Land of Cloud-Tinted Water
Land of Cloud-Tinted Water Performance Notes
In the score I have noted (in parentheses) names of specific species/sounds from nature to emulate while playing the written notation. While the music is notated as closely as possible to imitate these birds, it may be helpful to hear a recording of an actual bird sound for guidance.
Examples are below:
In the score I have noted (in parentheses) names of specific species/sounds from nature to emulate while playing the written notation. While the music is notated as closely as possible to imitate these birds, it may be helpful to hear a recording of an actual bird sound for guidance.
Examples are below:
Loon wail
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
White-throated sparrow (at 50 seconds)
Pheasant crow
Roughed Grouse drumming (at 0:30)
Song Sparrow
Black-Capped Chickadee (at 0:14 and 0:42)